Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Comparing the stiffness of my left foot, the way it feels like a block of wood, to the incredible miracle of life and every human being's ability to breathe and feel.
My whole life I had thought that I had arms, under the largest organ they were bones that I had seen on a skeleton representing the anatomy of every human being.

I have learned, after wanting to die, trying to die, unconsciously fighting to live, surviving, inspiring, and flying. These two arms that I thought I've had since I was born are actually wings. Like an eagle's. Full, but modest. Powerful, but graceful.

Not knowing they were ever there, I gave them no reason to spread and lift me.
With this revelation, I am up in an air current, miles above the soil, miles above the tree tops. With elegance, modesty, and determination, I am flying.

I am finding new landscapes, I am believing new things.

I am living the most miraculous; the life of a human being.

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