backwards photograph
did I make you laugh?
Come on let's dance
brush it off
feel that wind
feel the breeze
squeeze you
feel you
act like it needs you
and don't disagree
don't push it away
feel it
be it
do as you please.
Eggs detergent
that's my shopping list
for groceries
mama's sick
and I'm hungry
I have to throw in the laundry
run a few miles
and then sit down
because you see
is what I want to feel
from you and you
and even he.
Your breath like a grassy breeze
I didn't make that up
but I like it
you see
I didn't pick you out
and make you who I want you to be
I just stumbled across
something amazing
and you're damn right
I feel lucky.
Could it be
an ocean?
A sea?
Waves hitting a tree
scattering my favorite leaves?
No no no
It feels to me
that it is just me
and you
And you
No octopus
dreaming of hummingbirds
No secret notes
just a sexy Latin dance
a trip wasted in France
a bed holding a family reunion
laughing and sitting back
without a care
only the fine line between ocean
and sky
the horizon
which we will defeat
run tip toed and naked
flailing arms
on the outskirts of the world
and the pigeons will understand
because of the system
that they have.
No safety belt
no directions.
Nothing ever felt
so reckless
in the most precise
and deliberate
of senses.
Here I am
on the front porch
of the world
entirely willing
to grasp
or cast it.
did I make you laugh?
Come on let's dance
brush it off
feel that wind
feel the breeze
squeeze you
feel you
act like it needs you
and don't disagree
don't push it away
feel it
be it
do as you please.
Eggs detergent
that's my shopping list
for groceries
mama's sick
and I'm hungry
I have to throw in the laundry
run a few miles
and then sit down
because you see
is what I want to feel
from you and you
and even he.
Your breath like a grassy breeze
I didn't make that up
but I like it
you see
I didn't pick you out
and make you who I want you to be
I just stumbled across
something amazing
and you're damn right
I feel lucky.
Could it be
an ocean?
A sea?
Waves hitting a tree
scattering my favorite leaves?
No no no
It feels to me
that it is just me
and you
And you
No octopus
dreaming of hummingbirds
No secret notes
just a sexy Latin dance
a trip wasted in France
a bed holding a family reunion
laughing and sitting back
without a care
only the fine line between ocean
and sky
the horizon
which we will defeat
run tip toed and naked
flailing arms
on the outskirts of the world
and the pigeons will understand
because of the system
that they have.
No safety belt
no directions.
Nothing ever felt
so reckless
in the most precise
and deliberate
of senses.
Here I am
on the front porch
of the world
entirely willing
to grasp
or cast it.
grace, great stuff!