Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the sun pulls back and ocean waves hit billions of grains of sand with a crash so hard the earth opens up right then and there what are you thinking or are you thinking as your feet scramble and your brain goes every which way to run backwards slipping and staring the earth is sinking beneath your own two beautiful feet it's like the quicksand in a stomach where you'd find all of the lies and questions and a pile full of timber hitches, twisting and tightening and wrapping around a large heart so beautiful and visually magnificent, almost unbearably grotesque with each pump of blood through every in and out it cracks as ice, transparent with a growing deepness of blue and white, slowly but surely makes it's way across this vital organ and a hand gingerly but with desperation buries in to the skin across a tired chest one like a desert with miles upon miles of desolate broken land with stories and hardships and triumphs and that beautiful and heartbreaking sense of understanding that one single soul out of the 6 billion+ can comprehend or not even but encompass and accomodate to each and every pore every vein and artery and tissue and bone every hair follicle and every blood cell and each and every atom.
and this all takes place within a single breath

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