Friday, October 8, 2010

a long day of driving drains me to the core.
it is my escape and my enemy.
i have seen sand and mountains and canyons and many different colored rocks.
i have seen elk, lizards, moose, mule deer, a baby black bear, big-horned sheep, fish,
sage brush, tamarisk, cottonwood, box elder, rabbit brush, bull thistle,
the san juan river, the green river, the dolores river, the snake river, the yellowstone river,
hayden valley, bison, the grand canyon of yellowstone, the grand tetons,
chipmunks, butterflies, delicate arch,
the reflection of someone i don't recognize with a lonely strong and weak heart,
rain and dirt and water and wind and sunrises and sunsets,
santa fe, hermosa, handfulls of different coffeshops, ranches, dogs, horses, cows,
cute friendly folk and some cold grumpy folk,
i have seen fights and lovers, gift shops and post offices,
miles of interstates like you couldn't imagine, lots of different music,
pretty lights & del the funky homosapien,
3 crew members leave, 4 stay,
a dead dog be run over, many beautiful stray dogs, old faithful, a huge navajo festival,
a pow wow, autumn in the aspens, bums, lots of gas stations,
dove creek, trails, the loneliest moments, the most exhilarating moments, fossil creek,
brandon's house, brandon's dog, brandon's dad,
the earth face first at 120mph, a lot more things that got deleted.
my bones are weak. my head is tired.
you just have to keep getting up everyday anway
i miss so much.

1 comment:

  1. the earth. face. first. at 120 mph. chasing the sky indeed (or the opposite, maybe?). I can't wait to hug you.
