Sunday, May 2, 2010

These dogs will tear your flesh, you best give them a bone.

I have a 6 year old brother, he is walking around the house in dirty socks with a hole in each for his big toes to breathe. He has two cookies in hand with the chocolate chips melting on the cracks of his palms, and the crumbs crumbling and falling, and my eyes getting heavier.
"Every secret-unmarked-door that brings country people to its gates
and yields
a crushing absence of secrets,
buckles in the heat, the paint moves as weeds move in a current and then
it all moves along"
Not that I care, but observing from this awkward and uncomfortable and clostrophobic distance tends to be somewhat suffocating. When legs are shaking just to lift up and climb the next step and arms well who knows what they're ever doing. But you don't have a bed to lie in or a stool to stand on or a floor that isn't covered in sticky spilt...stuff and dust and dirt.
A thousand collages can't seem to release the things you want to say.

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